An overview of Dalrada Energy Services’ Partnership with Averett University
ESG standards have become increasingly important for organizations to adopt as the innovative solutions we create to overcome these societal challenges help improve our communities well as the environment.
On September 15, 2022, Averett University made the official partnership announcement, detailing Dalrada Energy Services’ plans to integrate a comprehensive ESG program with the major goals of reducing the university’s carbon emissions and providing energy cost savings. As part of the innovative program, and decidedly different from others like it, Dalrada Energy Services will provide clean technologies as a gift. Additionally, we are establishing a digital plan to test, observe, and scale the capabilities of Web 3.0 Metaverse technology for improved, interactive campus learning.
A couple of days after the official announcement, our team was welcomed to the Averett University campus for a special event featuring celebratory remarks from The Mayor of Danville, Alonzo Jones; Averett University’s Student Body President, Morgan Dearing; and the President of Averett University, Dr. Tiffany Franks, who presented DES team members with special Averett coins.
While at Averett, we also toured the campus and observed student housing and other facilities that will implement our technologies, including Dalrada’s Likido™ONE commercial heat pumps ― which are expected to reduce energy costs by over 70% and decrease carbon emissions by up to 90%.
The Averett University ESG program is the first of kind. Furthermore, this is a pivotal moment for colleges and universities to not only invest in and embrace sustainable energy solutions that will improve the planet, but also provide students with the necessary tools to thrive and contribute to a world of next-level technological advancements. Our team of visionaries is dedicated to continuously building infrastructures that improve communities and shape a better future for future generations.
The hospitality and excitement received from Averett leadership, the student body, and the city of Danville was remarkable, and we hope to continue to bring meaningful improvements to more universities like Averett.